KICKobe Institute of Computing (Hyogo, Japan)
KICKeep It Coming
KICMesa del Rey Airport (King City, CA)
KICKaesong Industrial Complex (North Korea)
KICKetchikan Indian Community (Ketchikan, Alaska)
KICKeep in Contact (alumni programme of Deutsche Post World Net)
KICKnowledge and Innovation Community (various locations)
KICKuwait Investment Company
KICKwinana Industries Council (Australia)
KICKinsale Insurance Company (Richmond, VA)
KICKent Innovation Centre (UK)
KICKomatsu Industries Corporation (Japan)
KICKunst in der Carlshütte gGmbH (Büdelsdorf, Germany cultural center)
KICKrischausky Interimsmanagement Coaching
KICKaiserslautern Industrial Complex
KICKeep It Classy
KICKommunikations- und Informations-Centrum für Energieeffizientes Bauen + Modernisieren
KICKayaking Instructors Course