

 [ad″ĕ-no-lĭ-po´mah] a tumor composed of both glandular and fatty tissue elements.


(ad'ĕ-nō-li-pō'mă), A benign neoplasm composed of glandular and adipose tissues. [G. adēn, gland, + lipos, fat, + -oma, tumor]


(1) Adnexal fat-pad lipoma, perisudoral lipoma. A variant of lipoma described by Hitchcock et al (J Am Acad Dermatol 1993; 29:82-85), and characterised by the presence of normal eccrine sweat glands within a lipoma.
(2) A term of uncertain validity for a tumour or tissue composed of an intimate mixture of glands and fat.
Fatty replacement of certain secretory organs (e.g., parathyroid and pancreas) is regarded as an ageing and not neoplastic phenomenon.


(ad'ĕ-nō-li-pō'mă) A benign neoplasm composed of glandular and adipose tissues. [G. adēn, gland, + lipos, fat, + -oma, tumor]