Lone Pine State Park
Lone Pine State Park
Location:4 miles southwest of Kalispell on Foy Lake Road, then 1 mile east on Lone Pine Road.
Facilities:Picnic area, picnic shelters, hiking , bicycling, horseback riding, andinterpretive trails, horseshoe pit, volleyball court, visitor center(é).
Activities:Hiking, horseback riding, bicycling, wildlife viewing, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Three scenic overlooks at this day-use park provide views from FlatheadLake to Big Mountain Ski Area. Park is open from April 15 throughNovember 1.
Address:490 N Meridian
Kalispell, MT 59901
Web: fwp.mt.gov/lands/site_280065.aspx
Size: 243 acres. Elevation: 3,520 feet.
See other parks in Montana.