long-acting thyroid stimulator

long-acting thyroid stimulator

 (LATS) a substance occurring in the blood in hyperthyroidism, having a stimulating effect on the thyroid of longer duration than that of thyrotropin. It is associated with immunoglobulin IgG and may function as an autoantibody.

long-act·ing thy·roid stim·u·la·tor (LATS),

a substance, found in the blood of some hyperthyroid patients, which exerts a prolonged stimulatory effect on the thyroid gland; associated in plasma with the IgG (7 S γ-globulin) fraction and seems to be an antibody or, perhaps, an immune complex.

long-act·ing thy·roid stim·u·la·tor

(LATS) (lawng'ak'ting thī'royd stim'yū-lā-tŏr) A substance, found in the blood of some hyperthyroid patients, which exerts a prolonged stimulatory effect on the thyroid gland; associated in plasma with the immunoglobulin (7S γ-globulin) fraction and seems to be an antibody or, perhaps, an immune complex.
Compare: bioregulator

long-act·ing thy·roid stim·u·la·tor

(lawng'ak'ting thī'royd stim'yū-lā-tŏr) A hematologic substance that exerts a prolonged stimulatory effect on the thyroid gland.