Long-Clawed Mole Vole

Long-Clawed Mole Vole


(Prometheomys scha-poschnikovi), a mammal of the subfamily Microtinae of the order Rodentia. The body length reaches 17 cm. The eyes are very reduced, and the ears and tail are so small that they are not noticeable. The coloring above is unicolored brownish ochre. The claw of the middle digit of the hand is very long. Long-clawed mole voles inhabit mountain meadows of the central and western Caucasus and northeastern Turkey. They lead a semisub-terranean life, feeding on the subterranean and, in the summer, aboveground parts of plants. Two litters are produced per year, each averaging three offspring. Long-clawed mole voles ruin pastures by digging up the soil.