

M0364400 (mŏd′ə-fī′)v. mod·i·fied, mod·i·fy·ing, mod·i·fies To change in form or character; alter.2. To make less extreme, severe, or strong: refused to modify her stand on the issue.3. Grammar To qualify or limit the meaning of. For example, summer modifies day in the phrase a summer day.4. Linguistics To change (a vowel) by umlaut.v.intr. To be or become modified; change.
[Middle English modifien, from Old French modifier, from Latin modificāre, to measure, limit : modus, measure; see med- in Indo-European roots + -ficāre, -fy.]
mod′i·fi′a·bil′i·ty n.mod′i·fi′a·ble adj.