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Middle America
Middle America 1 A region of southern North America comprising Mexico, Central America, and sometimes the West Indies. Middle American adj. & n.
Middle America 2n.1. That part of the US middle class thought of as being average in income and education and moderately conservative in values and attitudes.2. The American heartland thought of as being made up of small towns, small cities, and suburbs.Middle America n 1. (Placename) the territories between the US and South America: Mexico, Central America, Panama, and the Greater and Lesser Antilles 2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the US middle class, esp those groups that are politically conservative Mid′dle Amer′ica n. 1. average or conventional middle-class Americans as a group. 2. the Midwest. 3. a region that includes Mexico, Central America, and sometimes the West Indies. Mid′dle Amer′ican, n., adj. Mid′dle-Amer′ican, adj. Middle America
Middle America1. The region encompassing the states located in the middle of the US, as opposed to those on the East and West Coasts. I want to take a road trip this summer and see the sights in Middle America.2. Collectively, the demographic of Americans who are considered to be representative of average citizens, especially those who reside in the geographic region described in Definition 1 and who are middle class and politically conservative. How is a candidate who is so overtly liberal going to appeal to Middle America?See also: America, middleMiddle America
Middle America1. the territories between the US and South America: Mexico, Central America, Panama, and the Greater and Lesser Antilles 2. the US middle class, esp those groups that are politically conservative |