Assateague State Park

Assateague State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Maryland
Location:In Worcester County, 6 miles south of Ocean City Inlet; accessible by Route 50 via MD 611.
Facilities:350 improved campsites (some with electric hookups), youth groupcamping areas, picnic area and shelter, bicycle trail, foodconcessions, camp store, boat launch, nature center (é).
Activities:Camping, boating, canoeing, saltwater fishing, ocean swimming, surfing, crabbing, bicycling, nature programs.
Special Features:Maryland's only ocean park is a barrier island bordered on the east by two miles of Atlantic Ocean beach and on the west by Sinepuxent Bay. The park's marsh areas have a variety of wildlife, including deer and feral horses.
Address:7307 Stephen Decatur Hwy
Berlin, MD 21811

Size: 859 acres.

See other parks in Maryland.