OTNOracle Technology Network
OTNOptical Transport Network (Cienna)
OTNOn The Net
OTNOptical Transport Network
OTNover the Network
OTNOptical Transport Node
OTNOntario Telemedicine Network (Canada)
OTNOpen Transport Network (Apple)
OTNOncology Therapeutics Network
OTNOn the Needles (used by knitters to describe current projects)
OTNOptical Network Terminal
OTNOn That Note
OTNOnline Television Network
OTNOwn-The-Night (military technology)
OTNOur Teen Network (website)
OTNObserver Team to Nigeria (Canadian military)
OTNOklahoma Telemedicine Network
OTNOaktown, Indiana (Airport Code)
OTNOregon Transportation Network
OTNOperating Theater Nurse
OTNOptical Terminal Node
OTNOperational Teletype Network
OTNOtdeleniye Technicheskikh Nauk (Russian: Section for Technical Scientific Works)
OTNOrder Tracking Number