释义 |
statoconia [stat″o-ko´ne-ah] (pl. of statoco´nium) minute calcareous particles in the gelatinous membrane surmounting the macula in the inner ear; called also otoconia, otoliths, and statoliths.o·to·liths , otolites (ō'tō-līths, ō'tō-līt-is), [TA] Crystalline particles of calcium carbonate and a protein adhering to the gelatinous membrane of the maculae of the utricle and saccule. Synonym(s): statoconia [TA], statoconium [TA], ear crystals, otoconia, statoliths [oto- + G. lithos, stone] stat·o·liths (stat'ŏ-liths) Crystalline particles of calcium carbonate and a protein adhering to the gelatinous membrane of the maculae of the utricle and saccule. Synonym(s): statoconia [TA] , otoconia. [G. statos, standing, + lithos, stone] |