

单词 nts



abbreviation for National Trust for Scotland



Abbr. for “not to scale.”


ntsNot the Same
ntsNothing to Say
ntsNot To Scale
ntsNeedless To Say
ntsNevada Test Site
ntsNational Trust for Scotland
ntsNational Testing Services (Pakistan)
ntsNote to Self
ntsNucleus Tractus Solitarius
ntsNew Testament Studies (professional journal)
ntsNumber the Stars (book by Lois Lowry)
ntsNot Too Shabby
ntsNotice of Trustee Sale (real estate forclosure)
ntsNational Technical Systems
ntsNT Server (Microsoft Windows)
ntsNational Topographic System (Canadian land systems - oil and gas)
ntsNon-Technical Summary
ntsNew Tech Solutions (various locations)
ntsNot Too Sure
ntsNaval Training Station
ntsNational Traffic System (amateur radio)
ntsNational Testing System
ntsNovell Technical Support
ntsNetwork Source
ntsNt Server
ntsNetwork Test System
ntsNt System
ntsNovell Technical Services
ntsNew Typesetting System
ntsNetwork Technical Support
ntsNational Training School
ntsNetwork Time Server
ntsNon-Temporary Storage
ntsNaval Training School (US Navy)
ntsNicotine Transdermal System
ntsNational Train Show (National Model Railroad Association)
ntsNational Transportation Statistics (report)
ntsNon-Technical Skill
ntsNational Transport Strategy (various locations)
ntsNetwork Time Service(s)
ntsNorad Tracks Santa
ntsNon-Traditional Student
ntsNet Travel Service (various locations)
ntsNeed to Sleep
ntsNight Targeting System
ntsNurse Training School
ntsNumber Translation Service (Telco)
ntsNasotracheal Suctioning
ntsNetwork Television Station
ntsNote the Sarcasm
ntsNew Technologies Support (group)
ntsNaval Telecommunications System
ntsNederlandse Televisie Stichting
ntsNippon Tokushu Sokki (Japan)
ntsNaval Transportation Service (US Navy)
ntsNational Theatre Society (Ireland)
ntsNew Teacher Standards (Kentucky)
ntsNontradable Shares (Chinese Stock Market)
ntsNetwork Tracking System
ntsNetwork TeleSystems (Sunnyvale, CA)
ntsNavy Torpedo Station
ntsNet Trade Sales
ntsNear Term Schedule (various organizations)
ntsNative Title Service (Australia)
ntsNatural Therapeutics Specialist
ntsNew Tactical System
ntsNielsen Tennis Stadium (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
ntsNo Torsion System
ntsNew Toy Syndrome
ntsnegative torque sensing (aviation)
ntsNational Tribology Services (oil analysis lab)
ntsN-Terminal Subdomain
ntsNANA Training Systems (training and consulting organization; Alaska)
ntsNational Topographical System (Canada)
ntsNorthern Transmission System
ntsNash the Slash (musician)
ntsNashua Transit System
ntsNon-Terminal Symbol (computer science)
ntsNaval Target Sub-Division (US Navy)
ntsNorwalk Transit System (Norwalk, CA)
ntsName-Tree Service
ntsNational Training Services (Northampton, UK)
ntsNorthwest TeleHealth Services
ntsNominal Tube Size
ntsNonresident Tracking System
ntsCarl Zeiss Nano Technology Systems
ntsNational Transmittal System
ntsNaviant Technology Solutions, Inc.
ntsNaval Technical Services
ntsNielsen Television Service
ntsNon-Tariff Size




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