National Practitioner Data Bank

National Practitioner Data Bank

 (NPDB) a computerized information system that contains a record of malpractice claims, privileges actions, and other disciplinary actions. It was created to ensure that incompetent health care professionals do not move from one state to another.

National Practitioner Data Bank

A database established by the Congress to facilitate professional peer review and restrict incompetent physicians' and dentists' ability to move from state to state, and elude discovery of previous substandard performance or unprofessional conduct

National Practitioner Data Bank



A national databank, created by the Health Care Quality Improvement Act of 1986, that receives, stores, and disseminates records on the conduct and competence of medical professionals. Health care facilities use the information contributed to the databank during hiring and credentialing. The databank stores information relating to medical malpractice payments made on behalf of health care practitioners; information relating to adverse actions taken against clinical privileges of physicians, osteopaths, or dentists; and information concerning actions by professional societies that adversely affect membership.