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National Provider Identifier
National Provider Identifier Medicare A unique 8 character ID assigned by the National Provider System to providers/suppliers who bill for services or goods. See Medicare Identification Number, NSC, OSCAR, UPIN. Na·tion·al Pro·vid·er I·den·ti·fi·er (NPI) (nash'ŏ-năl prō-vī'dĕr ī-den'ti-fī'ĕr) A standard and unique identification number created by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for each provider of health care services, supplies, and equipment. national provider identifier, NPIA unique 10-digit identification number used to identify health care personnel (e.g., physicians and other clinicians) and facilities (e.g., hospitals and laboratories). The NPI is used by all health plans for administrative and financial transactions. AcronymsSeeNPI |