Kiel, Treaties of 1814

Kiel, Treaties of (1814)


treaties that ended the wars between Denmark (an ally of France), on the one hand, and Great Britain and Sweden, on the other (Anglo-Danish War of 1807–14). They were signed in the city of Kiel on Jan. 14, 1814.

By the terms of the Swedish-Danish treaty, Denmark ceded Norway to Sweden, receiving in return the right to Swedish Pomerania (except for Stralsund, for which a special government was established) and the island of Rügen. In 1816, Denmark transferred these territories to Prussia in exchange for Lauen-burg and monetary compensation. According to the Anglo-Danish treaty, Britain was to return all the Danish possessions seized during the war to Denmark, except for the island of Helgoland. Great Britain received special rights in Stralsund, which was to serve as a base for British trade for 20 years and was to be open to both British and Swedish trade with no restrictions. Denmark pledged to participate in the war against Napoleonic France.

PUBLICATIONS. Martens, C. de, and F. de Cussy. Recueil manuel et pratique de traités, conventions et autres actes diplomatiques, vol. 2. Leipzig, 1846. Pages 402–10.