Kievan Principality
Kievan Principality
formed in the 1130’s, at the outset of the feudal disintegration of the ancient Russian state. The Kievan Principality included the lands of the Poliane and Drevliane along the Dnieper and its tributaries (the Pripiat’, Teterev, Irpen’, and Ros’) and part of the left bank opposite Kiev. The strengthening of the other feudal principalities and intensified struggle among the princes resulted in Kiev’s capture by Andrei Bogoliubskii’s forces and the transfer of the princely throne to Vladimir. The principality was devastated during the Mongol-Tatar invasion in 1240, and in the second half of the 13th century the Kievan throne remained unoccupied. In 1362 the principality was annexed by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.