Kievskaia Starina
Kievskaia Starina
(Kievan Antiquity), a historical journal of a bourgeois-liberal tendency that was published monthly in Kiev, in Russian, from 1882 to 1906. The historian F. G. Lebedintsev was the founder and the first editor. Kievskaia starina published articles on the history, archaeology, ethnography, geography, and literature of the Ukraine and documents on prominent figures of Ukrainian culture (such as G. S. Skovoroda, I. P. Kotliarevskii, and T. G. Shevchenko). In the late 1890’s the journal began to publish works by Ukrainian writers such as I. Franko, M. Kotsiubinskii, Lesia Ukrainka, and Panas Mirnyi. V. B. Antonovich, D. I. Bagalei, P. S. Efimenko, and A. Ia. Efimenko wrote for the journal. Kievskaia starina was published in 1907 in Ukrainian under the name Ukraina (Ukraine).
Sistematicheskii ukazatel’zhurnala “Kievskaia starina” (1882–1906). Poltava, 1911.Lazarevs’kyi, H. “Kyivs’ka starovyna (Spogady).” Ukrains’ka literatura, 1943, nos. 7–12, 1944, nos. 1–10.