neighbourhood watch

neighbourhood watch

n a scheme under which members of a community agree together to take responsibility for keeping an eye on each other's property, as a way of preventing crime


(American) neighbor (ˈneibə) noun a person who lives near oneself. my next-door neighbour. 鄰居 邻居ˈneighbourhood noun1. a district or area, especially in a town or city. a poor neighbourhood. 地區(尤指城鎮內) 地区2. a district or area surrounding a particular place. He lives somewhere in the neighbourhood of the station. 鄰近地區 邻近地区ˈneighbourhood watch (American neighborhood watch;also sentry watch) noun a system allowing organized groups of people to police their neighbourhoods to prevent crime. 鄰里守望相助制 邻里守望相助警戒ˈneighbouring adjective near or next in place. France and Belgium are neighbouring countries. 鄰近的,毗鄰的 邻近的,接壤的 ˈneighbourly adjective (negative unneighbourly) friendly. a very neighbourly person. 睦鄰的,友好的 睦邻的,友好的