

单词 malpighian tubules

Malpighian tubules

Malpighian tubules


Malpighian tubes

pl n (Zoology) organs of excretion in insects and many other arthropods: narrow tubules opening into the anterior part of the hindgut

Malpighian Tubules

Malpighian Tubules


excretory organs in the majority of arachnids, myriopods, and insects; they are blind tubular appendages of the intestine, on the boundary between the mesenteron (midgut) and proctodeum (hindgut). In arachnids and myriopods there is one pair of Malpighian tubules, in orthopterous insects up to 120 pairs, and in hymenopterous insects up to 150 pairs. In the wall of the Malpighian tubules there is a muscle layer which enables them to contract. In arachnids the Malpighian tubules excrete primarily guanine; in insects and myriopods, uric acid. In aquatic insects the Malpighian tubules perform an osmoregulatory function.

malpighian tubules

mal·pig·hi·an tu·bules

in insects, slender tubular or hairlike excretory structures that emerge from the alimentary canal between the mesenteron (midgut) and proctodeum (hindgut) in a region frequently termed the pylorus; they vary in number from 1-100 or more, and may be assorted in equally sized bundles in some insects.

Malpighian tubules

the excretory organs of some ARTHROPODS, such as insects and arachnids, that collect wastes from the body fluids and discharge them into the hind gut. They are tubular glands which open into the anterior part of the hind gut, the other end being closed and bathed in the animal's blood in the HAEMOCOEL.

The slender tubules ar orm potassium hydrogen carbonate and uric acid. The KHCO3 and some water are reabsorbed from the tubules into the blood; further water is absorbed by the rectal gland and crystals of uric acid are voided into the gut for excretion.


Marcello, Italian anatomist, histologist, and embryologist, 1628-1694. malpighian bodies - small nodular masses of lymphoid tissue attached to the sides of the smaller arterial branches. Synonym(s): malpighian glands; malpighian nodules; splenic lymph folliclesmalpighian capsule - Synonym(s): glomerular capsulemalpighian cell - a cell of the stratum spinosum of the epidermis.malpighian corpuscles - Synonym(s): renal corpusclemalpighian glands - Synonym(s): malpighian bodiesmalpighian glomerulus - a tuft formed of capillary loops at the beginning of each nephric tubule in the kidney. Synonym(s): malpighian tuftmalpighian layer - Synonym(s): malpighian stratummalpighian nodules - Synonym(s): malpighian bodiesmalpighian pyramid - Synonym(s): renal pyramidmalpighian rete - Synonym(s): malpighian stratummalpighian stigmas - the points of entrance of smaller veins into the larger veins of the spleen.malpighian stratum - the living layer of epidermis comprising the stratum basale, stratum spinosum, and stratum granulosum. Synonym(s): malpighian layer; malpighian retemalpighian tubules - in insects, slender tubular or hairlike excretory structures.malpighian tuft - Synonym(s): malpighian glomerulusmalpighian vesicles - the minute air-filled vesicles on the surface of an expanded lung.
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