malpighian tuft


, pl.


(glō-mer'yū-lŭs, -ū-lī), 1. A plexus of capillaries. 2. A tuft formed of capillary loops at the beginning of each nephric tubule in the kidney; this tuft, with its capsule constitutes the corpusculum renis (renal corpuscle). Synonym(s): malpighian glomerulus, malpighian tuft3. The twisted secretory portion of a sweat gland. 4. A cluster of dendritic ramifications and axon terminals forming a complex synaptic relationship and surrounded by a glial sheath. Synonym(s): glomerule [Mod. L. dim. of L. glomus, a ball of yarn]

malpighian tuft

An outdated term for the renal glomerulus.See also: tuft


Marcello, Italian anatomist, histologist, and embryologist, 1628-1694. malpighian bodies - small nodular masses of lymphoid tissue attached to the sides of the smaller arterial branches. Synonym(s): malpighian glands; malpighian nodules; splenic lymph folliclesmalpighian capsule - Synonym(s): glomerular capsulemalpighian cell - a cell of the stratum spinosum of the epidermis.malpighian corpuscles - Synonym(s): renal corpusclemalpighian glands - Synonym(s): malpighian bodiesmalpighian glomerulus - a tuft formed of capillary loops at the beginning of each nephric tubule in the kidney. Synonym(s): malpighian tuftmalpighian layer - Synonym(s): malpighian stratummalpighian nodules - Synonym(s): malpighian bodiesmalpighian pyramid - Synonym(s): renal pyramidmalpighian rete - Synonym(s): malpighian stratummalpighian stigmas - the points of entrance of smaller veins into the larger veins of the spleen.malpighian stratum - the living layer of epidermis comprising the stratum basale, stratum spinosum, and stratum granulosum. Synonym(s): malpighian layer; malpighian retemalpighian tubules - in insects, slender tubular or hairlike excretory structures.malpighian tuft - Synonym(s): malpighian glomerulusmalpighian vesicles - the minute air-filled vesicles on the surface of an expanded lung.