an urban-type settlement and administrative center of Lebiazh’e Raion, Kirov Oblast, RSFSR. It is a wharf on the right bank of the Viatka River. Lebiazh’e is situated 135 km southeast of the railroad junction of Kotel’nich. It has a creamery, brickyard, and a raion industrial combine.
an urban-type settlement and administrative center of Lebiazh’e Raion, Kurgan Oblast, RSFSR. It is a railroad station on the Kurgan-Petropavlovsk line, 119 km east of Kurgan. Lebiazh’e has a cheese dairy and a brewery.
a climatic and koumiss-treatment health resort in Altai Krai, RSFSR, on Gor’koe Lake, 40 km from the railroad station of Rubtsovka. The climate is sharply continental, with cold winters (average January temperature of — 17°C) and warm summers (average July temperature of 20°C). Precipitation is about 350 mm per year. The chloride-hydrocarbonate soda water of the lake is drunk as part of the treatment. The lake also contains large reserves of a curative silty mud. There is a sanatorium for patients with active forms of pulmonary tuberculosis.
a lake in the Baraba steppe, on the border of Novosibirsk and Omsk oblasts, RSFSR, 80 km west of Lake Chany. Area, 12.5 sq km. The water of Lake Lebiazh’e is salty.