

单词 lec



(lɛk) n acronym for (Commerce) Local Enterprise Company. See Training Agency



Local Exchange Carrier


(1) (LAN Emulation Client) A software driver that provides LAN emulation (LANE) in an ATM network. It resides in an ATM end station or in a computer system that provides the LAN to ATM conversion, often known as a LAN access device. See LANE.

(2) (Local Exchange Carrier) An organization that provides local telephone service within the U.S., which includes the RBOCs, large companies such as GTE and more than a thousand smaller and rural telephone companies (approximately 1,300 in total). A LEC provides service from the customer premises to its local exchange (central office) within a local geographic area. See LATA, CLEC and ILEC.

LATAs, LECs and IXCs
The PSTN is made up of local exchange carriers (LECs) and interexchange carriers (IXCs) that are governed by LATA boundaries. Although this illustration shows one LEC within one LATA, state regulations may allow multiple LECs within the same LATA.


LECLocal Exchange Carrier (telephony)
LECLake City (Amtrak station code; Lake City, FL)
LECLake Erie College
LECLAN Emulation Client
LECLeague of Legends European Championship
LECLiberia Electricity Corporation (Liberia)
LECLittle East Conference (athletics)
LECLimited Editions Club (est. 1929; books)
LECLine Echo Cancellation
LECLens Epithelial Cell (ophthalmology)
LECLocal Exchange Carrier
LECLinux Education Center
LECLocal Exchange Companies
LECLogan Entertainment Centre (Australia)
LECLaw Enforcement Committee
LECLiving Enrichment Center (Oregon)
LECLanguage Engineering Company (translation software)
LECLaredo Entertainment Center (Laredo, TX)
LECLevy Exemption Certificate (UK)
LECLawrence Education Center (Springfield, IL)
LECLocal Emergency Coordinator
LECLong Evans Cinnamon (rat species)
LECLucasArts Entertainment Company LLC (computer game company)
LECLandmark Education Corporation
LECLaw Enforcement Command
LECLodge Executive Committee Meeting (Order of the Arrow, Tamegonit Lodge 147, Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America)
LECLocally Employed Civilian
LECLondon European Club (London, UK)
LECLibrary Executive Committee
LECLanguage Engineering Company, LLC (Belmont, Massachusetts)
LECLocal Engineering Competition (Board of European Students of Technology; Aalborg University; Denmark)
LECLayered Error Correction
LECLafayette Engine Center (Caterpillar; Indiana)
LECLongford Engineering Company (refrigeration; UK)
LECLongford Engineering Company (UK)
LECLAN (Local Area Network) Emulation Configuration (servers)
LECLightning Eliminators Consultants (Colorado)
LECLinear Expression Cassette (genes)
LECLockheed Electronics Company
LECLiquid Encapsulated Czochralski Method (semiconductors)
LECLunar Equipment Conveyor
LECLow Emissions Combustion
LECLocal Employment Committee
LECLAMPS Element Coordinator
LECLevelised Electricity Costs (power plants)
LECLiquid Encapsulated Czochralsky (crystal growth method)
LECLocal Engineering Change
LECLight Earth Construction (building)
LECLaboratory Emergency Coordinator
LECLink Edit Control
LECLogical Equivalence Check (engineering, electronics, design automation, formal verification)
LECLeast Economic Countries
LECLaunch Escape Control
LECLafayette Educational Complex (Brooklyn, NY)
LECLondon Euston Crewe (UK engineers line reference)
LECLumped Element Circulator
LECLivestock Equipment Council
LECLearner's Edge Consulting
LECLeading Edge Consulting, LLC




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