


(Foundation), the first Ukrainian sociopolitical and literary journal. It appeared monthly in St. Petersburg from January 1861 to September 1862. The journal had a bourgeois-liberal orientation. Its editor was V. M. Belozerskii. Some articles appeared in Russian.

The journal was of significance for the development of Ukrainian culture. Among the writers whose works were published in Ukrainian in Osnova were T. G. Shevchenko, Marko Vovchok, L. Glibov, S. Rudanskii, A. Svidnitskii, and A. Storozhenko. The journal published articles on Ukrainian history (works by V. B. Antonovich, P. S. Efimenko, and N. I. Kostomarov), ethnology, and folk art. Osnova also printed reactionary nationalistic material, including articles by P. A. Kulish and some of Kostomarov’s works. The journal’s reactionary stance drew criticism from the Russian journal Sovremennik (The Contemporary).


Bernshtein, M. Zhurnal “Osnova” i ukrains’kyi literaturnyi protses kintsia 50–60 rokiv XIX st. Kiev, 1959.