OSROffice of State Revenue (Australia)
OSROld School RuneScape (video game)
OSROffshore Special Regulations (International Sailing Federation)
OSROffice Service Release
OSROracle Service Registry
OSROptical Switch Router
OSROilseed Rape
OSROEM Service Release
OSROrchestre de La Suisse Romande
OSROntario Student Record
OSROutside Sales Representative
OSROffice of School Readiness (various locales)
OSROpen Systems Resources, Inc (Amherst, NH)
OSROil Spill Response
OSROperational Sex Ratio (biology)
OSROperating Systems Review (ACM)
OSROversampling Ratio
OSROhio State Reformatory
OSROffice of Scientific Research
OSROld San Antonio Road
OSROverseas Service Ribbon
OSROptical Solar Reflector
OSROpen Source Religion
OSROnward Supply Relief (value added tax)
OSROne Seat Ride (transportation)
OSROpen Space Reservation (Indian real estate)
OSROntario Stroke Registry (Canada)
OSROverall Stripping Ratio (mining)
OSROrganization Systems Renewal
OSROptical Scanning Recognition
OSROff Side Rear (automotive engineering)
OSROptical Symbol Recognition (computing)
OSROntario Southland Railway, Inc.
OSROrganization for SETV Research
OSROffensive Success Rate (sports)
OSROperational Safety Requirement
OSROptical Service Router (Cisco Systems)
OSROperational Safety Review
OSROn-Site Representative
OSROptimized Set Reduction
OSROxidative Stress Relief
OSROcean State Republican (Rhode Island)
OSROne-Shot Rising
OSROffice of Systems Requirements
OSROccupational Survey Report
OSROstrava Mosnov Czech Republic (airport code)
OSROrganisation Syndicale Représentative
OSROfficial Site Register
OSROckanickon Scout Reservation (Pennsylvania Boy Scout Camp)
OSROptical Subrack
OSROnteora Scout Reservation (Livingston Manor, NY)
OSROn-Scene Representative
OSROver Subscription Ratio
OSROptimized Sniper Rifle (LaRue Tactical)
OSROne Step Routing
OSROffice of Standards and Regulation
OSROfficer Selection Report
OSROptimum Sonar Routing
OSROutlet Sales Report
OSROscillator Statistics Request
OSROrder of the Silver Ribbon
OSROffice Sonégien de Radiodiffusion (French: Sonégien Broadcasting Office; Belgium)
OSROperational Support Requirement
OSROut of Service Repair Tag (mining maintenance industry for sending repairable items off site and keep)
OSROriginal Sound Record Co. (record label)