modified radical mastoidectomy

modified radical mastoidectomy

an operation for the management of cholesteatoma that lies lateral to the remnant of the tympanic membrane and middle-ear ossicles; involves exenteration of the remaining air cells of the mastoid process and removal of the posterior and superior walls of the external auditory canal to open the mastoid and attic of the middle ear to the outside and preserve hearing.

modified radical mastoidectomy

An operation to eradicate disease of the middle ear cavity and mastoid process, in which the mastoid and epitympanic spaces are converted into an easily accessible (exteriorised) common cavity by removing the posterior and superior external canal walls.

modified radical mastoidectomy

ENT An operation to eradicate disease of the middle ear cavity and mastoid process, in which the mastoid and epitympanic spaces are converted into an easily accessible common cavity by removing the posterior and superior external canal walls. Cf Radical mastoidectomy.

mod·if·ied rad·i·cal mas·toid·ec·to·my

(mod'i-fīd rad'i-kăl mas'toy-dek'tǒ-mē) An operation for the management of cholesteatoma that lies lateral to the remnant of the tympanic membrane and middle-ear ossicles; involves exenteration of the remaining air cells of the mastoid process and removal of the posterior and superior walls of the external auditory canal to open the mastoid and attic of the middle ear to the outside and preserve hearing.