Acronym | Definition |
MSV➣Maximize Shareholder Value |
MSV➣Millisievert (measure of radiation dose) |
MSV➣Murine Sarcoma Virus |
MSV➣Maize Streak Virus |
MSV➣Medical Society of Virginia |
MSV➣Microsoft Video |
MSV➣Multi Schema Xml Validator |
MSV➣Multi Sports Vehicle |
MSV➣Memory Stick Voice (file extension) |
MSV➣Mean Square Voltage |
MSV➣Main Stop Valve |
MSV➣Mobile Satellite Ventures LP (Reston, Virginia) |
MSV➣Maritime Security Vessel (Saab) |
MSV➣Motor Sport Valley (UK) |
MSV➣Men Stopping Violence |
MSV➣Medium Systems Vehicle (Banks, Iain M; gaming) |
MSV➣Monthly Search Volume (search engine marketing) |
MSV➣Museum of the Shenandoah Valley |
MSV➣Meidericher Spielverein 1902 Duisburg (German soccer club) |
MSV➣Mean Success Volume (decision trees) |
MSV➣Medium Speed Variant (data communication protocol) |
MSV➣Music Sports Video |
MSV➣Morning Star Voices (band) |
MSV➣Multi-purpose Support Vessel |
MSV➣Multi-Schema XML (Extensible Markup Language) Validator (Sun Microsystems) |
MSV➣Maarten's Sound & Vision (Netherlands) |
MSV➣Months of Service |
MSV➣Manufacturer's Specified Value |
MSV➣Maximum Safe Velocity |
MSV➣Mississippi and Skuna Valley Railroad Company |
MSV➣Magnetically Supported Vehicle |
MSV➣MESSA Support Vehicle |
MSV➣Maximum Stable Value (real estate) |