MSW Headers and footers

MSW Headers and footers

Headers and footers are widely used in legal documents, contracts, reports and proposals to provide continuity between the pages. They usually contain information such as page numbers, title, date and so on.

Quick Tip!
To quickly add a Page x of y designation, position the cursor, click the Insert Auto Text button on the Header/Footer toolbar and select Page X of Y.

To add a header or footer select View/Header and Footer. A small, floating toolbar will appear, and boxes will also be displayed at the top and bottom of the page, which is where you will type in your text. To switch between the header and footer boxes, click the Switch button on the Header/Footer toolbar.

Type in your text as you normally would, using the same formatting commands for the body of the document. When you are finished, click the Close button on the right side of the Header/Footer toolbar.

Quick Tip!
To quickly add a Page x of y designation, position the cursor, click the Insert Auto Text button on the Header/Footer toolbar and select Page X of Y.

Adding Page Numbers
Use the Header/Footer toolbar buttons to add page numbers. Click the left button to insert the actual page number, and click the right button to select a page number style, such as Roman Numerals.

Quick Tip!
To quickly add a Page x of y designation, position the cursor, click the Insert Auto Text button on the Header/Footer toolbar and select Page X of Y.