Acronym | Definition |
ONS➣Om Namah Shivaya (meditation chant) |
ONS➣Office for National Statistics (UK) |
ONS➣One Night Stand |
ONS➣Old North State |
ONS➣Onslaught (Unreal Tournament 2004) |
ONS➣Operador Nacional do Sistema Eletrico (Brazil) |
ONS➣Oncology Nursing Society |
ONS➣Office of Nuclear Safety |
ONS➣Offshore Northern Seas |
ONS➣Occipital Nerve Stimulation (migraine treatment) |
ONS➣Onboard Navigation System |
ONS➣Oral Nutritional Supplement |
ONS➣Operational Navigation Chart |
ONS➣Orchestra of New Spain (Dallas, TX) |
ONS➣Optical Networking System |
ONS➣Object Naming Service |
ONS➣Operational Needs Statement |
ONS➣Office of Nursing Services (US VA) |
ONS➣OMEGA Navigation System |
ONS➣Optical Networking Services (Cisco) |
ONS➣Optical Network Service |
ONS➣Open Network Services |
ONS➣One-Name Study (genealogy) |
ONS➣Office of Neighborhood Services (various locations) |
ONS➣Oulu Nice Soccer (female soccer team; Oulu, Finland) |
ONS➣Open Networking System |
ONS➣Oriental Numismatic Society |
ONS➣Odyssey Nail Systems |
ONS➣Observatoire National de la Sécurité et de l'Accessibilité des Établissements d'Enseignement (French: National Observatory for Safety and Accessibility of Educational Institutions) |
ONS➣Order of Nova Scotia |
ONS➣On Premise Station |
ONS➣Onset Constraint |
ONS➣Office of NATO Standardization |
ONS➣Organized Neighbors of Summerhill (Atlanta, GA) |
ONS➣Liverpool to Halifax Slow (routing designation; US Navy) |
ONS➣Online Needlework Shop |