Okobojo Point Recreation Area

Okobojo Point Recreation Area

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / South Dakota
Location:17 miles northwest of Pierre off SD 1804.
Facilities:15 modern campsites (all non-electric), group camping loops, showers, picnic shelters, picnic areas, boat ramps.
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, swimming, waterskiing, diving, hiking, biking.
Special Features:Located on the shore of Lake Oahe, with more than 2,000 miles of shoreline. Park is along the Lewis and Clark Trail.
Address:c/o Oahe Downstream Rd
20439 Marina Loop Rd
Fort Pierre, SD 57532

Web: www.sdgfp.info/Parks/Regions/oahesharpe/okobojopoint.htm
Size: 135 acres.

See other parks in South Dakota.