释义 |
Nelaton line Né·la·ton line (nā-lah-tawn[h]'), clinically obsolete term for a line drawn from the anterior superior iliac spine to the tuberosity of the ischium; normally the greater trochanter lies in this line, but in cases of iliac dislocation of the hip or fracture of the neck of the femur the trochanter is felt above the line. Synonym(s): Roser-Nélaton lineNé·la·ton line (nā-lah-ton[h]' līn) A line drawn from the anterior superior iliac spine to the tuberosity of the ischium; normally the greater trochanter lies in this line, but in cases of iliac dislocation of the hip or fracture of the neck of the femur the trochanter is felt above the line. Nélaton line (nā-lă-ton′) [Auguste Nélaton, Fr. surgeon, 1807–1873] A line from the anterior superior spine of the ilium to the tuberosity of the ischium.Nélaton, Auguste, French surgeon, 1807-1873. Nélaton bullet probeNélaton catheterNélaton dislocation - wedging of the astragalus between the widely separated tibia and fibula, usually complicated with fracture.Nélaton drainNélaton fibers - Synonym(s): Nélaton sphincterNélaton foldNélaton line - a line drawn from the anterior superior iliac spine to the tuberosity of the ischium. Synonym(s): Roser-Nélaton lineNélaton operationNélaton sphincter - the middle rectal fold. Synonym(s): Nélaton fibersNélaton syndrome - hereditary neuropathy. Synonym(s): Denny-Brown syndromeRoser-Nélaton line - Synonym(s): Nélaton line |