bad eicosanoid

bad eicosanoid

A popular term for an eicosanoid arising from the metabolism of dihomogamma-linolenic acid by the enzyme delta-5-desaturase into arachidonic acid, which is converted into thromboxane A2 (which increases platelet aggregation), prostaglandin E (which causes pain and depresses the immune system) and leukotrienes (which are linked to allergic responses and skin disease).

bad eicosanoid

A popular term for an eicosanoid arising from the metabolism of dihomogamma-linolenic acid by the enzyme delta-5-desaturase into arachidonic acid, which is converted into thromboxane A2—which ↑ platelet aggregation, PGE2—which promotes pain and depresses the immune system, and leukotrienes—which are linked to allergic responses and skin disease. See Zone-favorable diet. Cf Good eicosanoid.