

L. Cardelli et al, DEC and Olivetti, 1988. A descendant ofModula-2+ and Cedar, designed for safety and simplicity.Objects, generics, threads, exceptions and garbage collection.Modules are explicitly safe or unsafe. As in Mesa, any set ofvariables can be monitored. No multiple inheritance, nooperator overloading. Uses structural equivalence. "Modula-3Report", Luca Cardelli et al, TR 52, DEC SRC, and OlivettiResearch Center, Aug 1988 (revised Oct 1989). The changes aredescribed in "System Programming with Modula-3", Greg Nelsoned, P-H 1991, ISBN 0-13-590464-1. "Modula-3", Sam Harbison,P-H 1992. Version: SRC Modula-3 V1.5.

See also SRC Modula-3.


(MODUlar LAnguage-3) The successor to the Modula-2 language. Developed by Digital and Olivetti, it adds object-oriented extensions, automatic garbage collection and improved exception handling. It is considered an excellent teaching language.