Acronym | Definition |
AIG➣Addressee Indicator Group (US DoD) |
AIG➣American International Group, Inc |
AIG➣Answers in Genesis (religious group in defense of Scripture) |
AIG➣Artificial Intelligence Group |
AIG➣Australian Industry Group |
AIG➣Asian Indoor Games (est. 2005) |
AIG➣Assistant Inspector General |
AIG➣Apprenticeship Incentive Grant (Canada) |
AIG➣Anthrax Immune Globulin (antitoxin) |
AIG➣Academically and Intellectually Gifted |
AIG➣Additional Inspector General (Nepal and Pakistan) |
AIG➣Alternative Investments Group |
AIG➣Advertising Information Group (Brussels, Belgium) |
AIG➣Aquilini Investment Group (Canada) |
AIG➣Address Indicator Group |
AIG➣Association Internationale de Géodésie (French: International Association of Geodesy) |
AIG➣Address Indicating Group |
AIG➣Air Intelligence Group |
AIG➣Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Informationsverarbeitung in Gynäkologie Und Geburtshilfe |
AIG➣Apollo Invest Group |
AIG➣Airbus Industries Group |
AIG➣Association Internationale de Gérontologie (International Association of Gerontology) |
AIG➣Address Information Group |
AIG➣Army Initiatives Group |
AIG➣Assistant Instructor in Gunnery (Canadian and British Military) |
AIG➣Advanced Instrumentation Group |
AIG➣Acquisition Improvement Group |
AIG➣Antitrust and Indemnity Group |
AIG➣Aging Interest Group (various universities) |
AIG➣Authentication Implementation Guide |
AIG➣Atomic Interactive Group, LLC (Dayton, OH) |
AIG➣Addressee Identification Group |
AIG➣Ain't I Great |
AIG➣Asociación de Industriales de Guatemala (Association of Industrialists of Guatemala 1929-34) |
AIG➣Architecture Integration Group |
AIG➣Amplifier Interface Group |
AIG➣Association Intercommunale du Gourma (French: Intercommunal Gourma Association) |