Acronym | Definition |
MTB➣Mountain Bike |
MTB➣Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (also seen as MBT) |
MTB➣Making The Band (TV show) |
MTB➣Midfield Terminal Building (United Arab Emirates) |
MTB➣Motor Torpedo Boat |
MTB➣Marshall Tucker Band |
MTB➣Master the Boards (resource) |
MTB➣Mexico Tourism Board |
MTB➣Meant to Be |
MTB➣Micro Tool Box |
MTB➣Mono Transit Buffer |
MTB➣Managed Tape Backup |
MTB➣Miscellaneous Tariff Bill (trade law) |
MTB➣Minus The Bear (band) |
MTB➣Main Terminal Building |
MTB➣Mozilla Thunderbird (email client) |
MTB➣Michigan Talent Bank |
MTB➣Meet the Beatles (Beatles album) |
MTB➣Mineral Titles Branch (Canada) |
MTB➣Mission Training Brief (military instructions) |
MTB➣Machine Tool Builder |
MTB➣Materials Transportation Bureau (DOT) |
MTB➣Mount Burgess Mining NL |
MTB➣Mum to Be |
MTB➣Materials Testing Branch (US NASA) |
MTB➣Mineral Technology Branch (CANMET) |
MTB➣Missile Torpedo Boat (Norway) |
MTB➣Motion Tracked Binaural Sound (acoustics) |
MTB➣Machine to Balance (automotive engineering) |
MTB➣Maximum Therapeutic Benefit (treatment plateau) |
MTB➣Maintenance of True Bearing |
MTB➣Mountain/Trials Bike |
MTB➣Magnetic Torque Bar |
MTB➣Message Transport Binder |
MTB➣Mid-Amble Transmission Burst |
MTB➣Multi-Terminal Binning |
MTB➣Maintenance Training Bay |