Mamedkhanly, Enver Gafar Ogly
Mamedkhanly, Enver Gafar Ogly
Born February 1913, in Geokchai. Soviet Azerbaijani writer. Honored Art Worker of the Azerbaijan SSR.
Mamedkhanly graduated from the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography in 1938. His first novella, The Whirlpool (1934), is devoted to the Baku oil workers. He served in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45 (he was a special correspondent for a front-line newspaper in Tabriz). Mamedkhanly has written the stories ’The Caravan Stopped” (1944) “On the Main Avenue,” and “The Scarlet Buds” (1945). His play Morning of the East (1947) describes the establishment of Soviet power in Azerbaijan, and his play In the Fire (1950) depicts life in southern Azerbaijan. His lyrical comedy A Shirvan Beauty (1957) was successfully staged. He wrote the film screenplays for Bakhtiiar (produced 1942) and Fatalikhan (with Mekhti Gusein; produced 1947). Mamedkhanly has translated works of A. S. Pushkin, L. N. Tolstoy, M. Gorky, Shakespeare, G. Flaubert, and T. Dreiser into Azerbaijani. He has been awarded three orders.
Sechilmish äsärläri. Baku, 1960.In Russian translation:
Izbrannoe. Baku, 1959.
Alye butony. Moscow, 1964.