Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge

Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge

Parks Directory of the United States / National Wildlife RefugesAddress:PO Box 247
Stevensville, MT 59870

Web: leemetcalf.fws.gov
Established: 1963 as Ravalli NWR.
Location:Along the Bitterroot River, 25 miles south of Missoula, Montana.
Facilities:Visitor contact station, trails(é), auto tour route, historical features.
Activities:Fishing, hiking, hunting.
Special Features:Cradled between the Bitterroot and Sapphire Mountain ranges and bounded on the west by the Bitterroot River, the refuge setting is spectacular. The refuge is named for the late U.S. Senator Lee Metacalf who had a lifelong commitment to conservation. He was a local high school graduate and was instrumental in the establishment of this refuge and many others.
Habitats: 2,800 acres of meadows, wetlands, and river bottom woodlands surrounded by mountains.
Access: Open year round during daylight hours.
Wild life: Osprey, great blue herons, Canada geese, double-crested cormorants, bald eagles, belted kingfishers, deer, muskrat, striped skunk, gopher, beaver, and painted turtle.

See other parks in Montana.