adenosine 5'-diphosphate

a·den·o·sine 5'-di·phos·phate (ADP),

(ă-den'ō-sēn dī-fos'fāt), A condensation product of adenosine with pyrophosphoric acid, formed from ATP by the hydrolysis of the terminal phosphoryl group of the latter compound.

adenosine diphosphate

An adenosine with 2 high-energy phosphates, which results from the hydrolysis of ATP, that occurs in many metabolic processes. ADP is converted back to ATP by oxidative phosphorylation.

a·den·o·sine 5'-di·phos·phate

(ADP) (ă-den'ō-sēn dī-fos'fāt) A condensation product of adenosine with pyrophosphoric acid, formed from adenosine triphosphate by the hydrolysis of the terminal phosphate group of the latter compound.