Adenovirus E3 14.7kD Protein

Adenovirus E3 14.7kD Protein

A 14.7 kD cytoplasmic glycoprotein encoded by the E3 early multi-gene transcription unit of some adenoviruses. It is involved in viral interaction with the host immune system, protecting adenovirus-infected cells against cytolysis and TNF-alpha-induced apoptosis, allowing the adenovirus to establish a persistent infection. E3 14.7 kD protein blocks TRAIL-induced apoptosis of virus-infected cells, inhibits TNF-alpha-induced inflammation, inhibits TNF activation of cytosolic phospholipase A2, which cleaves arachidonic acid, thereby preventing formation of leukotrienes and prostaglandins—which amplify the inflammatory response—from arachidonic acid. Cell-selective expression of E3 14.7 kD protein in the respiratory epithelium under the direction of the surfactant protein C promoter inhibits lung inflammation induced by bacterial lipopolysaccharides or TNF-alpha.