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DictionarySeeectasiaEncyclopediaSeeEctasiamammary duct ectasia
ectasia [ek-ta´zhah] expansion, dilatation, or distention. adj., adj ectat´ic.mammary duct ectasia a benign condition occurring in postmenopausal women, characterized by dilation of the ducts, inspissation of breast secretions, and periductal inflammation. Called also comedomastitis.mam·ma·ry duct ec·ta·si·adilation of mammary ducts by lipid and cellular debris in older women; rupture of ducts may result in granulomatous inflammation and infiltration by plasma cells. See also: plasma cell mastitis. mammary duct ectasia The dilation of mammary (lactiferous) ducts which, if blocked, form cysts; if the cysts rupture, they become inflammed, resulting in plasma cell mastitis.mammary duct ectasia Gynecology The dilation of lactiferous ducts which, if blocked, form cysts; if the cysts rupture, they become inflammed, resulting in plasma cell mastitis. See Plasma cell mastitis. mam·ma·ry duct ec·ta·si·a (măm'ă-rē dŭkt ek-tā'zē-ă) Dilation of mammary ducts by lipid and cellular debris in older women; rupture of ducts may result in granulomatous inflammation and infiltration by plasma cells. See also: plasma cell mastitis |