Mammomonogamus laryngeus

Mammomonogamus laryngeus

nematode found in upper respiratory tract of some mammals; approximately 100 human cases, most from Caribbean islands; worm is red to reddish brown; copulating male and female present a Y shape; life cycle not known.

Mam·mo·mon·o·ga·mus la·ryn·ge·us

(mam'ō-mon-og'ă-mus la-rin'jē-ŭs) Nematode found in the upper respiratory tract of some mammals; approximately 100 human cases have been reported, most from Caribbean islands; worm is red to reddish-brown; copulating male and female present in a Y shape; life cycle of pathogen not known.

Mammomonogamus laryngeus

A species normally parasitic in ruminants but sometimes infesting humans.See also: Mammomonogamus