

单词 ammonium carbonate

ammonium carbonate

ammonium carbonate

n.1. A carbonate of ammonium, (NH4)2CO3.2. The white, crystalline double salt of ammonium bicarbonate and ammonium carbamate, (NH4)HCO3·NH4CO2NH2, produced commercially and used in smelling salts and baking powder. Also called hartshorn.

ammonium carbonate

n 1. (Elements & Compounds) an unstable pungent soluble white powder that is a double salt of ammonium bicarbonate and ammonium carbamate: used in the manufacture of baking powder, smelling salts, and ammonium compounds. Formula: (NH4)HCO3.(NH4)CO2NH2 2. (Elements & Compounds) an unstable substance that is produced by treating this compound with ammonia. Formula: (NH4)2CO3

ammo′nium car′bonate

n. a water-soluble mixture of carbonate and carbamate of ammonium: used chiefly in smelling salts and baking powder; hartshorn. [1880–85]
Noun1.ammonium carbonate - a carbonate of ammoniumammonium carbonate - a carbonate of ammonium; used in the manufacture of smelling salts and baking powder and ammonium compoundscarbonate - a salt or ester of carbonic acid (containing the anion CO3)

ammonium carbonate


 [ah-mo´ne-um] a hypothetical radical, NH4, forming salts analogous to those of the alkaline metals.ammonium carbonate a mixture of ammonium compounds used as a liquefying expectorant in the treatment of chronic bronchitis and similar lung disorders. It is sometimes used as a reflex stimulant in “smelling salts” because of the strong ammonia odor it gives off.ammonium chloride colorless or white crystals, with a cool, salty taste, used as an expectorant because it liquefies bronchial secretions. In the body it is changed to urea and hydrochloric acid, and thus is useful in acidifying the urine and increasing the rate of urine flow. Excessive dosage may produce acidosis.ammonium lactate lactic acid neutralized with ammonium hydroxide, applied topically in the treatment of ichthyosis vulgaris and xerosis.

am·mo·ni·um car·bon·ate

a cardiac and respiratory stimulant and carminative expectorant.

ammonium carbonate

(NH4)2CO3, a compound used in preparing aromatic ammonia spirit (smelling salt). CAS # 506-87-6See also: ammonium

am·mo·ni·um car·bon·ate

(ă-mōnē-ŭm kahrbŏ-nāt) Cardiac and respiratory stimulant and carminative expectorant.

ammonium carbonate

  • noun

Words related to ammonium carbonate

noun a carbonate of ammonium

Related Words

  • carbonate




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