On-Board Computer

On-Board Computer


a computer or system of computers that is installed in a mobile object: submarines, ships, aircraft, and spacecraft. The on-board computer processes various information that is transmitted to the mobile object from without and also information fed in from on-board systems (radar, radio-engineering, optical, and so on) for use in controlling the object and its on-board systems and checking the activity of the crew and on-board instrumentation. Electronic digital computers, and sometimes hybrid computing systems, are used as on-board computers. On-board computers are constructed from microminiature integrated circuits and weigh from 1 to a few dozen kg, require a few dozen to hundreds of watts of electrical power, and have high operational speed (on the order of several tens of thousands of operations per second) and reliability (hundreds of hours of trouble-free operation).


Dolkart, V. V., G. Kh. Novik, and I. S. Koltypin. Mikrominiatiurnye aerokosmicheskie tsifrovye vychislitel’nyemashiny. Moscow, 1967.