

单词 mtf



abbr. male-to-female



(1) (Modulation Transfer Function) A measurement of monitor sharpness. MTF compares the contrast ratio between alternating black and green lines that are one pixel thick.

(2) (Microsoft Tape Format) A backup tape format developed by Seagate Software and Microsoft. It is able to identify operating system-specific data.



Abbreviation for modulation transfer function.

trans woman

A male-to-female transgender or transsexual person who was an assigned male at birth but identifies as female.
The terms trans woman and its synonym, male-to-female transsexual, are often used for individuals who have not been physically re-assigned/transitioned, and many prefer the simple word women if the process is complete.


Metabolize to freedom Medtalk Worked-up sufficiently to exclude diagnoses other than alcohol intoxication, disposition/discharge planned when Pt achieves safe functional level


MTFMedical Treatment Facility
MTFMilitary Treatment Facility
MTFModulation Transfer Function
MTFMonth(s) to Failure
MTFMy Tractor Forum
MTFMonitoring the Future (study/survey)
MTFMensTennisForums (website)
MTFMultiple True-False (examinations and assessments)
MTFMobile Task Force (various locations)
MTFMore than Friends
MTFMusculoskeletal Transplant Foundation
MTFMagnetic Tape File
MTFMaster Test Frame
MTFMove to Front
MTFMib Translation File
MTFMultilateral Trading Facilities
MTFMale-to-Female transsexual
MTFMicrosoft Tape Format
MTFMove to Front (coding)
MTFMagnetized Target Fusion
MTFMean Time to Failure
MTFMake Trade Fair (campaign)
MTFMore to Follow
MTFMessage Text Format
MTFMeet the Fockers (movie)
MTFManual Transmission Fluid
MTFMaintenance Test Flight
MTFMississippi Test Facility
MTFMark Taper Forum (Theatre, Los Angeles, CA, USA)
MTFMedicinsk Teknik Och Fysik (Sweden)
MTFMultiple Time Frame (trading)
MTFMtarfa (postal locality, Malta)
MTFMercury Task Force (Conference of New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers)
MTFMagnet Test Facility
MTFMarket Transition Facility (replaced new Jersey Joint Underwriters Association)
MTFManitoba Tenpin Federation (Canada)
MTFMega Team Fortress (Quake 1)
MTFMilitary Training Flight
MTFMeet the Faith (TV show)
MTFMassachusetts Taxpayer Foundation
MTFMobile to Fixed
MTFMicrowave Test Facility
MTFMaintain the Focus
MTFMaintenance Test Facility
MTFMobile Training Facility
MTFMalawi Traditional Fisheries
MTFMessage Transfer Format
MTFModulator Transfer Function
MTFMaintenance Training Flight (US DoD)
MTFMuskegon Temporary Facility (Michigan Department of Corrections)
MTFMcCormick Tribune Fellowship (Media Management Center Northwestern University; Illinois)
MTFMaintenance Team Foreman
MTFMatrix Test Facility
MTFMachine Tool Wire
MTFMission Task Folder
MTFMultiple Tree Forest (Windows 2000 Active Directory)
MTFMechanical Timed Fuse
MTFManning Task Force (DCSPER Army)
MTFManual Test Facility
MTFMeteorological Task Force
MTFMobile Termination Function




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更新时间:2025/3/16 17:56:47