National Schedule of Reference Costs

National Schedule of Reference Costs

A national schedule of reference costs from NHS Trusts which are required to publish their costs in a consistent format. The resulting data serves to benchmark performance efficiency of different Trusts and is thus of particular interest to health economists. The NSRC lists average unit costs for a vast range of treatments and procedures covered by the NHS. The NSRC has expanded greatly since its first iteration in 1998, and now includes many specialist (hospital-) and community-based services: elective and non-elective inpatients, day cases, critical care, outpatients (first and follow-up attendances), ward attenders, regular day or night attenders, radiotherapy, specialist services such as renal dialysis, bone marrow transplants, spinal injuries and rehabilitation, A&E, pathology, radiology, audiology, mental health, community nursing, district nursing and health visiting, direct access and community therapy and paramedic services.