Modzhuz, Mirza Ali

Modzhuz, Mirza Ali


(also, Mirza Ali Movdzhuz). Born Mar. 29, 1873, in Shebustar, in southern Azerbaijan; died Sept. 25, 1934, in Shahrud, Iran. Azerbaijan poet.

Modzhuz was the son of a merchant and studied in a theological school. His first verses were published in Turkey, where he had settled in 1889. He returned to Azerbaijan in 1905.

Modzhuz wrote satirical verses influenced by Azerbaijan democratic literature, particularly by the poet Sabir. His principal themes are the people’s lack of civil rights (“Homeland,” “Every Day”), the struggle against oppressors, and the plight of enslaved woman (“Unhappy Girls”). Modzhuz sang of V. I. Lenin (“Lenin”) and the October Revolution of 1917 (“Revolution Will Break Out,” “At Last”). His works were published only after his death.


Shäïrlär. Baku, 1955.
In Russian translation:
Stikhi. [Preface by G. Mamedali.] Baku, 1956.
Antologiia azerbaidzhanskoipoezii, vol. 2. Moscow, 1960. Pages 244–58.


Omarova, L. “M. A. Movdzhuz Shabustari.” Izv. AN Azerb. SSR, 1955, no. 5.
Omarova, L. M. Äli Möjüz. Baku, 1958.