Moeller glossitis

a·troph·ic glos·si·tis

an erythematous, edematous, and painful tongue that appears smooth because of loss of the filiform and sometimes the fungiform papillae secondary to certain nutritional deficiencies, especially B-vitamin deficiencies, as seen in pellagra, thiamin deficiency, and disorders such as pernicious anemia (Hunter or Moeller glossitis).Synonym(s): bald tongue Synonym(s): bald tongue

Moeller glossitis

[Julius O. L. Moeller, Ger. surgeon, 1819–1887] A chronic superficial glossitis characterized by burning or pain and an increased sensitivity to hot and spicy foods. Synonym: glossodynia exfoliativa


Julius Otto Ludwig, German surgeon, 1819-1887. Moeller glossitis - Synonym(s): Moeller-Hunter syndromeMoeller-Hunter syndrome - red, swollen, and painful tongue. Synonym(s): atrophic glossitis; Hunter glossitis; Moeller glossitis