management buy-in

Management Buy-In

The act or practice of an outside investor buying a controlling interest in a publicly-traded company and leaving the current management intact. That is, unlike most acquisitions, the outside investor does not fire the top or middle level managers and bring in his own managers. Instead, the outside investor usually only places representatives on the board of directors.

management buy-in

the TAKEOVER of a company, or of a division of a company by a small group of shareholders (often ex-managers of the company) who then form the nucleus of a new management team to run the company or division. As with a MANAGEMENT BUYOUT (the takeover of a company by its existing management) management buy-ins are often financed by the issue of loan capital subscribed by financial institutions such as merchant banks and VENTURE CAPITAL specialists. See JUNK BOND/MEZZANINE DEBT.

management buy-in

the purchase of a company, or division of a company, by a small group of shareholders (often ex-managers of the company) who then form the nucleus of a new management team to run the company or division. See MANAGEMENT BUYOUT, VENTURE CAPITAL.