Mogens Klitgaard
Klitgaard, Mogens
Born Aug. 23, 1906, in Copenhagen; died Dec. 23, 1945, in Aarhus. Danish writer. Communist.
Klitgaard served as a secretary in various antifascist organizations and committees. He fled to Sweden during the German occupation of Denmark in 1940. He began his literary career in 1937. The central character of Klitgaard’s first novel, A Man Is Seated in a Streetcar (1937), is a petit bourgeois who has suffered material and spiritual collapse. There are autobiographical elements in God Clears the Air for Shorn Sheep (1938), a novel about the life of a tramp. The historical novel Red Feathers (1940) is about the Napoleonic wars. In The Ballad of Nytorv (1940), the radio novel Ellie Peterson (1941), and the collection of short stories Divine Weekdays (1942), Klitgaard describes the life of the Danish people during the fascist occupation.
Kristensen, S. M. Datskaia literatura 1918–1952. Moscow, 1963.Neergård, E. Mogens Klitgaard. [Copenhagen] 1941.