Appanage Lands
Appanage Lands
(in Russian, udel’nye zemli), in late 18th- to early 20th-century Russia, lands owned by the imperial family and administered by the Department of Appanages. In 1826, the department was made part of the Ministry of the Imperial Court, and in 1892 it became the Main Administration for Appanages in the same ministry.
In 1797, in accordance with the Statute on the Imperial Family, crown lands (dvortsovye zemli) became appanage lands. Initially they covered an area of 4.2 million desiatinas (1 desiatina = 1.09 hectares); in addition, 3.5 million desiatinas were held in joint ownership with the state treasury and pomeshchiki (feudal landowners). The area of appanage lands grew through purchases and through exchanges of appanage and state lands. After the land allocation measures of 1863, whereby appanage peasants were given ownership of land allotments, the area of appanage lands measured 8 million desiatinas; a large portion of this land was leased.
After the October Revolution of 1917, appanage lands were nationalized by the Decree on Land.