Organization, Mechanization, and Technical Assistance in Construction
Organization, Mechanization, and Technical Assistance in Construction, Institute of
(full name, Central Scientific Research, Planning, and Design Institute of Organization, Mechanization, and Technical Assistance in Construction), an institute under the management of Gosstroi (the State Committee on Construction) of the USSR. The institute was founded in Moscow in 1966 from the State Institute for Planning the Organization of Construction (Giproorgstroi).
As of 1974, the institute had scientific divisions; laboratories; a planning unit; a central experimental design bureau, Stroimekhavtomatika; an office for the introduction of new technology, with Kazakh, Baltic, Middle Asian, and Kama branches; and bases (laboratories) in Minsk, Smolensk, Khabarovsk, Ashkhabad, and Voronezh. The institute’s main sphere of activity includes work on the most important research problems in the organization, technology, and mechanization of construction work, the use of the construction-machinery supply, laboratory testing, and safety techniques in construction. The institute also prepares all-Union instructions and standards on the basis of its research (Construction Standards and Rules, construction length ratings, and so on). The institute has resident and correspondence graduate study.