Kinkaid Lake State Fish & Wildlife Area

Kinkaid Lake State Fish & Wildlife Area

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Illinois
Location:Southwestern Illinois, in Jackson County, 5 miles north of Murphysboro and 100 miles southeast of Saint Louis, Missouri.
Facilities:Picnic tables, shelters, restrooms, playground area, 4 boat ramps, full-service marina. (No camping on DNR property.)
Activities:Boating, picnicking, fishing, hunting.
Special Features:Site consists of sandstone bluffs, rolling hills, and an oak-hickory forest beside 2,750-acre Kinkaid Lake.
Address:52 Cinder Hill Dr
Murphysboro, IL 62966

Size: Lake encompasses 2,750 acres. 4,000 acres of the surrounding land is managed by the Illinois Dept of Natural Resources;5,000 acres by the US Forest Service; 300 acres by Kinkaid-Reed's Creek Conservancy District.

See other parks in Illinois.